We’ve been blogging about the SECU UMB branch in recent posts. It is such a rich environment, complete with state-of-the-art digital member touchpoints, that we felt like dedicating the entire month of August to its features. This week we’re going to focus on the video tellers and the two online kiosk stations, one on each side of the lobby. One station is available 24/7 in the secure after hours card access lobby.

Online Banking Kiosks
During open hours, MSRs are trained to use the online banking kiosk as a tool to solve the needs of the member. Joseli Wright, SECU platform migration manager, says:
“Staff is the key to self service adoption. This may seem the opposite of what you would expect, but our goal is to use our MSRs to train members to self-serve some of their needs with these lower cost channels.”
Joseli Wright, SECU platform migration manager
During closed hours, the lobby kiosk allows members and non-members access to the credit union web site and all of the tools within. The kiosk experience includes an attraction loop, main menu, and finally a secure transaction browser, locked down to prevent the user from straying into unapproved website content.

Since web site code, servers and internet browser interpretations of that code are always changing, Kiosk & Display spends many hours per month adjusting the SECU kiosk platform so it remains functional over time. Allison Carter, Experience Developer for K&D says:
“Ongoing monitoring and support are not superfluous vendor extras, they are a vital part of an online kiosk project. The kiosk programming package on launch day lasts only a few weeks before the client web site is changed or the kiosk programming needs adjustment. We have all seen so many kiosks that were ignored because they are turned off, non-functioning or have crashed. A strong credit union brand needs to treat their digital merchandising with the same level of consideration and accuracy as any other marketing channel.”
Allison Carter, Experience Developer at Kiosk & Display
Video Tellers
The security and convenience of a video teller is a perfect fit in a busy urban downtown location. Video tellers make up 3 of the 10 self-service stations in the new UMB lobby. When the teller is not in use, branded marketing messages are displayed. Adding a new device does not add to the marketing department workload. K&D manages the messages on all member facing displays, so the client can worry about strategy and leave the delivery to the iPoster system.

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