If you’re a regular reader of Getting Your Message, or you’re familiar with the way we approach content development at Kiosk & Display, then you already know about our passion for creating digital merchandising messages that matches your brand.
That’s really what sets us apart from our competition and is the key differentiator of our company. We don’t use templates and syndicated content. Why would you want the same message on your digital merchandising screens as your competitor’s screens across the street? You wouldn’t. We respect that. And we’re driven by that.
Community-focused messages are some of the most popular content that we develop. And for good reason… community messages allow for your clients to understand that your organization is part of the fabric of the community. They are great examples of what’s called “hyper-local” marketing, which all the marketing pundits are talking about.
Not sure of what we’re talking about? Watch this short video of our winter 2012-2013 community-driven messages. You’ll get the idea. Then hopefully you’ll get the idea to call K&D to talk about your own community message needs. We’re ready to put our passion to work for you.
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