Sometimes general weather information in your weather feed isn’t enough, even if it’s hyper-local.
To really be in the know and up-to-date on all weather events in your area, simply contact your K&D representative and tell ‘em you want weather alerts on your news and weather feeds!

When the National Weather Service issues any type of Special Statement, our feed reports it using a different format so our award-winning iPoster Digital Merchandising platform recognizes it immediately and we then change the dominant screen color to red (see image). Additionally, we interrupt the normal display for a duration based on the severity of the alert. The entire alert message will scroll across the bottom of the screen, either once for advisories and statements, twice for watches or three times for warnings before the platform moves on to the next playlist item.
So remember, if you spend your life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine. With K&D weather alerts on your in-branch digital merchandising, you’ll see plenty of sunshine.
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