This week in the Content Group at K&D we have started to review clients’ messages with a fresh eye. We are looking to see how we can suggest strengthening messages. While most of the time the extra value we add is with animations and style of presentation within brand communication, we find increasingly that we can offer insights in how to best distill larger blocks of content into a short animated message that fits digital signage best. Besides including only they key messages and required disclaimers, we look for the product and or brand promise and ensure we frame the product properly with the feeling or key offering.
The results transform a confusing at best, and boring at worst, message into something that catches that emotional moment that means something to a viewer. Otherwise it is just another ad. One key question to ask yourself when reviewing your own media for digital signage is what is the message asking the viewer to do and then put yourself in your average person’s shoes and ask – will they get it? Also consider your brand promise. Ask yourself how is your product framed within your brand promise. Does this message continue to strengthen that promise?
We’ll be able to tell you if it does, because at K&D we make sure people get your message.
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