Will you be there? It seems as if everybody in financial services marketing will be attending. It’s being held at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, April 3-4, 2014. The Forum promises to not be your typical financial services industry conference — no futurists prognosticating about what financial services might look like in 20 years. The Forum will give attendees practical, actionable advice, showing financial marketers how to tackle the big branding, marketing and advertising problems they face today — candid, direct, honest and focused on results.
And you can have a results-oriented experience at the Kiosk & Display booth. Have you checked out Google Glass yet? Slip by the booth and slip on a pair of these game-changing, lens-to-the-future eyewear that puts your life squarely in front of your eyes.
K&D will be showing a “Video Lounge” of financial services television commercials and best-practice digital signage content for your education. It’s a great way to get a feel for what the industry is doing in the “broadcast” fields. Don’t miss it.
And while you’re there, be sure to view the newest digital merchandising Engagement Station from K&D. This dazzling behemoth runs the award-winning K&D iPoster platform and will transform your branches into the latest engaging, up-selling, educating experiences that you could possibly provide.
They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas… but we can assure you that we won’t be leaving our Engagement Station behind. Do you want it?
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