This paper and presentation was created by K&D’s Sharon Klocek-Ibbotson while she was a student at the ABA School of Bank Marketing and Management in 2013-2014.

Here is her synopsis: As a media vendor to the financial industry it was an eye-opening experience to learn the full spectrum of the bank marketing world. During this time, I discovered I had a passion for the strategic concepts — especially surrounding changes in technology, customer interaction, and branch traffic. Not being employed as a bank marketer, I had the luxury of creating my own fictional bank and giving it a change strategy that kept the majority of its branches and staffing, but radically changed its resources, roles and marketing agility. Although far from perfect, the paper earned an “excellent” rating in recognition of its strategic approach. With the incredibly helpful guidance of my ABA advisor, Joann Marsili, I was able to strengthen the weakest area of the paper (the return on investment) in my final presentation. The presentation looks farther out on the technology horizon and allowed me to play with ideas I found interesting. I welcome any and all feedback at my e-mail address . If you find the paper and presentation of value, I would welcome your endorsement on Linkedin. Thank you.
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