GFCU launches new name and brand with help from Kiosk & Display

Banking & Financial
Customer & Brand

credit union lobby with digital engagement station
credit union lobby with digital engagement station

Gwinnett Federal Credit Union (GFCU) rebranded and renamed itself Peach State Federal Credit Union (PSFCU) and made the sweeping change on one specific day. Kiosk & Display was there to assist with the changeover for all branches.

PSFCU uses a branded Vertical Engagement Station custom-built for them by K&D, so in addition to fresh new content for the screens, new branded panels for each Station was required.

As you can imagine with a name change, hundreds of items needed the new name and logo applied and needed to be swapped out on the big day. Our client was busy enough with all of these tasks, so K&D stepped in and fully participated with the change out.

And while we were in each branch, we made sure the new content was successfully running.

Just another full-service support example from your friends at K&D. What can we do to support your marketing efforts? Throw us a challenge, we like to exceed expectations.

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