Kiosk & Display President Jon VanderMeer will chair the 2023 Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) Competition for the Atlanta Region of the Worldwide Entrepreneurs’ Organization and serve on the Atlanta board. Jon is ready to take the reins from previous chairs Shantel Kriss and Roxana Shershin who grew the program into what it is today. Jon adds, “This is different from Shark Tank. GSEA judges focus on the individual, their motivation, creativity and ability to pivot, and the foundations required to be a successful entrepreneur.” Follow our progress and these incredible students with Jon on LinkedIn!
This is different from Shark Tank. GSEA judges focus on the individual, their motivation, creativity and ability to pivot, and the foundations required to be a successful entrepreneur.
The Entrepreneurs’ Organization Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) is the premier global competition for students who own and operate a business. Nominees compete against their peers from around the world in a series of local and national competitions in hopes of qualifying for the GSEA Global Finals. GSEA supports student entrepreneurs who require much-needed mentorship, recognition and connections to take their businesses to the next level of success.
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