My Onsite Observations from the Recent 2016 Financial Brand Forum

Banking & Financial

Recently K&D exhibited and sponsored the Financial Brand Forum. Our own Sharon Klocek-Ibbotson files this report from her first-hand perspective:

  1. I loved hearing a rebel with a cause – Arkadi Kuhlmann, author of The Orange Code, told the story of ING Direct and how he worked to change the way banking was done. Arkadi was both practical and empathetic as a marketing leader.  He energized his brand with happy passion starting with his brand color orange – happy (yellow) and passion (red) while also working to reengineer his customers so they fit the model of the company he built. He showed what was possible, by example, things we often hear can’t be done.
  2. I loved MoonShot Thinking. Luvleen Sidhu, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer at BankMobile gave a great talk on disrupting banking in the digital revolution.  Inspiring all of us to be disrupters for good by using Moonshot thinking to go beyond baseline goals and move financial services to exactly what customers crave.
  3. I LOVE LOVE Loved NPR’s Shankar Vedantam’s “Hidden Brain” Keynote. I was already a fan through NPR but Shankar applied all his research so well to marketing and really made everyone in the room think about how they could use the way we are wired to make our marketing efforts more successful. Turns out having others teach about your financial institution helps them adopt it as their own. Gosh, that makes me want to sit in a room of marketers right now and brain storm how to creatively make that happen.

I am so glad to have been at the Forum since day one. It has grown and just keeps on getting better.  This year’s icing on the cake was seeing SO many clients and ABA School of Bank Marketing Classmates. We enjoyed sharing our Sponsor perks with two lucky clients in our Penthouse Suite. The suite was also HQ for after parties and conversations with past ABA Bank Marketing Classmates and new contacts who came up for champagne and truffles and stayed to have conversations about digital media.


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